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Trunk or Treat

We are hoping that the rain ends early enough in the day so that we can hold Trunk or Treat on Saturday, 10/30. If so, set up will be at 6 and the event from 7-8:30. Please be sure to check the remind app, our PTA website and the PTA facebook page for all the updates.

Thank you to all the families that donated candy, please know that if we are unable to hold Trunk or Treat we plan to do something special for the school on Monday thanks to your generosity.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out in person, text, or email -


POSTPONED (originally 11/29): Join us for Trunk or Treat will return on Friday, October 29, 2021 from 7 - 8:30 pm. Arrival is at 6 pm for setup (i.e. trunk decorating). There will be music, lights, games and of course, CANDY!

Candy donations are greatly appreciated! They can be brought with you the night of the event or sent into school.

If you’d like to decorate your trunk, complete the participation form. There is no sign-up needed for general attendees (i.e. if you are not decorating your trunk).

If you need more information, contact Meredith Palumbo.

October 29

Halloween Parade

November 13

Craft Festival