Signing up for partner programs for everyday purchases allows us to earn funds from money you already planned to spend

  • RaiseRight | ShopWithScrip

    Gift card fundraising is the easiest way to raise money for our organization. Buy gift cards from your favorite brands to earn on your daily purchases. No extra money spent. No extra time wasted.

    Shop 750+ top brands and immediately earn up to 20% on every gift card you buy. You can easily raise $1,000 or more every year.

    Earnings come from brands, not from your pocket, so gift cards are worth every penny. Raise money simply by doing everyday things—like grabbing your morning coffee or ordering dinner for the family. Seamlessly check out and receive eGift cards faster by securely paying online with a linked bank account or credit card.

    Create an account on the RaiseRight app or at using our organization’s enrollment code: L1B45CB85532

    Check out the video tutorial below if you need assistance with the sign-up process.

  • Box Tops 4 Education

    Our school’s lifetime earnings with Box Tops 4 Education exceeds $13,050 as of September 2021! For over 20 years, Box Tops for Education has given families an easy way to earn cash for their school, with products they already buy.

    All you need is your phone! Download the Box Tops app, shop as you normally would, then use the app to scan your store receipt within 14 days of purchase. The app will identify Box Tops products on your receipt and automatically credit your school’s earnings online. If you shop for groceries online or have digital receipts, you can submit your email receipts to earn Box Tops for your school! Twice a year, your school will receive a check and can use that cash to buy whatever it needs.

    Search for “ST PETER SCHOOL” during enrollment on either the app or website.

    Check out the video below for additional information on how to use the Box Tops 4 Education mobile app to scan digital receipts.

  • Amazon Smile

    We KNOW you shop on Amazon. It makes all of our lives easier. Setup AmazonSmile with St. Peters Church to allow Amazon to donate 0.5% for all of your eligible purchases!

    NOTE: When selecting the charity to receive your donations, use the Amazon mobile app and do NOT use the website (it limits the results). Search for “St. Peters Church point” in order to easily identify the right organization.

    Remember, if you want AmazonSmile to donate to St. Peters Church, you need to start each shopping session at the URL or with AmazonSmile turned ON in the Amazon app, and we will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases. Once turned on in the app, it will remain on for 6-months and then allow you to renew your election.

Do you need help signing up for ShopWithScrip / RaiseRight? Check out the tutorial below for additional assistance.


Do you need more information on scanning receipts using the Box Tops 4 Education mobile app? Check out the tutorial below for additional assistance.